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Csaba Kur is a traditional sculptor and painter. He uses his natural instincts for the potential force of his chosen materials in analyzing his chosen topic, so that the finished product speaks of liberty and freedom in a profoundly personal way. The discipline imparted by his military career as a young man surfaces both in his technique and his choice of subject matter.

A humanitarian first and foremost, Csaba emigrated to the United States during the Hungarian revolution against Soviet occupation in the 1950s. His larger than life-sized bronzes and freedom fighter monuments dominate the courtyards of numerous government and institutional buildings worldwide.

Csaba is portrayed here in a humble pose with the large, all-encompassing wings of a complex Arkangel, one easily given to monumental sculptures and paintings of rich historical significance.

"How am I to live? In the gray of day I come to this;
We are ringed and hemmed by commodities;
Humans are being tortured as I write;
Warheads shuttle above us, and the race
Could be gone by Christmas.
What is the language of non-ecstatic time?"

-- Dennis Lee

© 2001. The Arkangel Project.